Arts Scholars

Koi te hinengaro, koi te arero, koi te mahi!
Sharp of mind, tongue, and work!

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Why did nobody write a love letter on a cuneiform tablet?

  Although simple and unassuming, cuneiform tablets, originating from the rich society of Mesopotamia, are the earliest known examples of writing. The earliest tablets were used for accounting and record-keeping, but as the society progressed cuneiform tablets...

Quiet Political Acts

What does it mean to be “of age” or to be deserving of political inclusion? Kiwis who are too young either to vote or to be taken seriously by adults often undertake actions which are quietly political anyway.  For example, climate-conscious teens have started...

Panic at the Starting Line

In the afterglow of the Power and Equity Research panel there was a growing sense of panic. This panic was rooted in the question: How can a researcher find balance? Each panel member discussed and outlined issues or barriers they had come across. It seemed each...

Finding Middle Ground

Reading the article on the Smithsonian’s Enola Gay exhibition and visiting the Auckland War Memorial Museum, there was a clear theme. Both acknowledged the tension between commemoration and scholarship in relation to conflict. This got me thinking about how we often...

Pretty People Get the Job

Erin Griffey’s research showed Renaissance women were obsessed with ‘natural beauty’, wanting clear, luminous skin, healthy hair and a slim yet curvy figure. What I found really interesting was how these feminine beauty ideals continue to remain the same for women...

Musicals! What are they good for?

When most people think of musicals, their first reaction is either ‘Oh God no’ or something much more positive. Neither of which is ‘wow this is my favourite medium to take in historical facts’. So, why are there so many musicals based on our history - specifically on...

Age through sex: considering masculinity, maturity, and music

Jennifer Frost’s response to the predictably brilliant question posed by Antonia Grant about how the reasoning that fuelled support for the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – that citizens too young to vote were old enough to fight – applied to women – led me...

Development Without Conflict – The Tang Dynasty

When we spoke about how the development of a nation or a culture can only really be achieved through conflict, it left me feeling rather despondent. In all of human existence, was every major steppingstone in our cultural evolutions spurred on by a need to overcome...

Vulnerability and Strength in Research

Reflecting upon the power and inequity in research panel seems to stir up ideas about the negotiation of power in the research setting. It appears as though this is a complex issue with many answers, however, no completely right or wrong ones.    One idea I was...

Is History Really Relevant?

Jennifer Frost is a researcher who is currently writing a book about the 26th amendment which allowed voting at age 18 in the United States. The inspiration behind Frost’s work was to correct the  mis-interpretation of youth involvement, and people who brought about...

Addressing the Redress

Dr Stephen Winter's research into the process of redressing the abuse suffered by those in the care system in New Zealand was fascinating to look at. For a long time now, governmental care systems like orphanages have been something that I've been interested in,...

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Research is personal.

I've always been taught to keep as many confounding variables out of the data as possible - including myself, my views, thoughts, and opinions. But Dr Hirini Kaa and Patrick Thomsen told a different story. Their personal experiences guided them to their research...

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Lived Positionality

Dr Patrick Thomsen's lecture on examining the struggles of gay men in Korea through the lens of a pacific lens was quite the ride. The past year has instilled in me a curiosity about how varied viewpoints can be used to analyse different topics. I personally have...

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Collecting Notions

Collecting Notions

For a presentation last year, I researched Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey". You might also have heard of it as the "monomyth". If not, here's a simplified summary: the Hero's Journey is a sequence of plot points, which are said to loosely match every story we...

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Obscure War

Obscure War

We are very fortunate to be able to talk about war in theoretics. We are able to keep war at an antiseptic distance from ourselves, avoiding discussion of the “nasties” of conflict and, for the most part, live completely detached from the effects of war and conflict....

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History A, History B

Recently, while I was listening to a series of lectures on Herodotus, the lecturer distinguished between what she called History definition A and History definition B*. She also briefly mentioned the confusion caused when people do not realise which definition they...

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As Halloween recently passed, my mind shifts to the commodification of culture. Nowadays you can purchase anything from toy guns to real guns, and murdering video games to watching WW2 in colour. (Greatest Events of WW2 in Color - Netflix). I feel less as if war is in...

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Where do I go from here?

The first day of Arts scholars, I remember being perplexed when Sara brought in a Barbie in US army garb to discuss the gendered dimensions of war.    I called myself a feminist back then (and I still am). But it wasn’t really grounded in any sense of “academia,”...

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Politicians and the Media

Our discussions surrounding positionality have been great and allowed me to have a lot of self reflection. Following  Tova O’Brien’s recent interview with Jami-Lee Ross and the large positive reception it’s had, my thoughts turned to  positionality within the media. ...

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