Diets and Celebrities seem to have one major thing in common; they are just fads. Coming into fashion when it suits and kicked to the curb afterwards. Although, in the modern day you cannot have one without the other. Anthony Warner, or the ‘Angry Chef’, had touched on this in his lecture. What stood out the most was when he mentioned the lost Eden, the idea of things being better ‘back in the day’. The concepts behind many of our modern-day, celebrity-endorsed diets are based on how people ate in the past, such as the ‘paleo’ diet from the Paleolithic era. As humans modernize, so does our food. New dietary lifestyles arise all the time, yet there is still such gravitation to past diets.


The rich and famous continue to tell their compelling stories of diets and health despite this modernization of food, telling followers to eat how humans did 10,000 years ago. Why discuss poverty when you can help your followers be healthy by eating like humans did when farming had just been invented? Anthony Warner states “no dietary change can insulate people from these things [poverty, stress and worldly issues]”[1]. This suggests that we are blinded by the fad of celebrities’ ‘perfect diet’s’ being promoted to us. There is no ‘perfect diet’. The majority of the population cannot afford to follow these ridiculous dietary trends. This just shows that no matter how much celebrities promote diets, poverty and inequality will always be the biggest determinates of health. In the end, dieting and ‘healthy’ eating are activities for the wealthy. Weirdly enough, they eat like it was 10,000 years ago.


[1] Warner, A. (2018). Heart Of The Problem. Retrieved from: