Comfort zones are pretty great. They are like a safe and secure blanket, they protect us. However, while comfort zones can be pretty great, they can also be restricting. 

The discussion panel regarding power and inequity in research got me thinking about how this is particularly true in areas around research. The panel raised the idea that while staying in our comfort zones can be problematic, we can also be aided out of them through the practise of productive discomfort. Productive discomfort is the idea where we challenge ourselves in different and new ways, ultimately leading to a more productive outcome.

Until now I probably would have just brushed this idea off. Straying beyond my comfort zone just seemed so scary and hard. Although this straying definitely can be a hard and scary thing, I have now realised that it is also a necessary thing. If I never push myself to create new sounds and produce new ideas, I may never impact people in the way I want. If I never push myself to perform more music in live shows, I may never get heard by new people. So, productive discomfort actually makes perfect sense. If you don’t push yourself, how are you ever going to discover more than you already know?! 

Applying these ideas to my own research and experiences I am able to see how I can push myself to go beyond what I know and really challenge myself to create something different. Gathering up this strength to step beyond my beloved comfort zone encourages me to not only dig deeper in my research, but in everything I do. 

So I challenge you, take that stretch and see what happens, you might be surprised.