Many researchers may aim to keep a neutral political stance when conducting their investigations in order to prevent ‘bias’. Tracey McIntosh argues strongly against this goal. Within her research, McIntosh maintains that this is only another way in which unequal power relations can be reinforced between the researcher and those being researched. A researcher may choose to ignore the political implications of their work, however, in doing so they are taking a stance that reproduces the ‘status quo’ of a society.

“It is critical to consider the historical foreground and background of political and power relations that may be rendered invisible, minimised or decontextualised within the context of the research problem.” (1)

To ignore significant political context within research only contributes to the hegemonic narrative of the situation. McIntosh (2) particularly focusses on the research of Māori communities, which, in general, has failed to confront the colonial past of New Zealand and how it continues to affect Māori experiences. 

Researchers should aim to give power to the interests of the Māori communities they are researching, especially in a Western society wherein the inequities of colonisation are still prominent. 

The purpose of Te Mana Raraunga is to ensure that this is achieved. (3) Māori Data Sovereignty determines that the interests of Māori communities are advanced by the collection and application of their data during research. Researchers can also use non-traditional methodologies that encompass indigenous values to further promote Māori interests and avoid presenting their stories through a Western voice. 


  1. Lisa Aronson Fontes (1998, p. 54) quoted by Tracey McIntosh.
  2. McIntosh, Tracey. “Maori and cross-cultural research: Criticality, ethicality and generosity.”. New Zealand Sociology 26, Special Issue (2011): 61-75.;dn=743709172369596;res=IELHSS
  3. Te Mana Raraunga – Māori Data Sovereignty Network Charter (2016)