Ok, bear with me here, this is going to be a post on a blog.


for (init; condition; increment {

while(condition) {

I like it when things fit into boxes. It makes thinking simpler. It is neat when ideas fit together. It is satisfying when a thought can be fitted together and put down, complete. Things make sense.


When writing code I have noticed that I tend toward using for loops over while ones even when a while loop might do the job more ‘intuitively’.


Reality rarely helps, being, as it is, devoid of neat anythings, let alone nice boxes (except literally, lots of those). The world is analogue, seamless, multifaceted (beautiful).


Of course, I disagree with this definition of intuitive – a for loop places its iterative and control statements in a simple block separated from all the code being iterated over. Neat little boxes. Intuitive.


Here I am in 2020, taking a course that has devoted a year to the differing contexts surrounding conflict, in a faculty whose courses are bound together by a collective acceptance of the multiplicity of truth (and falsehood).


I have, of course, loved every moment of it.


        (Wait, that’s not right, is it?)


Perhaps my feelings about neat little boxes don’t fit in one


while (condition) {

Image Source (without space):
https://www. igreenspot.com/nesting-boxes-made-of-recycled-cardboard-is-sustainable-and-fancy/