*content warning* mentions of sexual assault


After Brooke and Hela mentioned Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games during their (amazing!) presentations, it got me rethinking some of the books that I loved growing up, and the increasingly problematic aspects of them that I continue to encounter.


What first got me into reading in intermediate was young adult and fantasy. It means I’ve always had a love of these genres for being such a big part of my childhood, but it is progressively more difficult to enjoy these books as I get older, even when transitioning to adult fiction. I find myself starting and not being able to finish multiple books before I can sift through to find the one shiny novel that maintains my interest. At first, I believed this to be a worsening attention span or simply looking in the wrong places, however, what I think is happening is that I’m simply no longer impressed by the lazy, clichéd tropes thrown at us by the authors I encounter.


Back in intermediate, the very first fantasy book series that I got into was The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I will always have fond memories tied to the books, however, looking back on the content of the novel, I view the series in a very different light. One of the things I still remember is the shocking amount of incest/implied incest and sexual assault. Incest is already a topic that I find hard to justify the inclusion of at all; but at least if the assault-related content had been integrated into the plot as a trauma that the main character then struggles with or overcomes as part of their personal development, I might feel better about it. What it actually felt like was an attention-grabbing idea thrown into the series simply to add drama to the plotline; disgustingly romanticizing incest in the process. Including this kind of content in a series, especially with a young audience, without giving it anywhere near the kind of attention it deserves comes off as revolting and immoral. For a middle-aged author to be using real trauma for shock value is inexcusable.


But unfortunately, this is quite a recurring theme in young adult and fantasy fiction.


I’m all for using fiction, or literature in general, as an escape or distraction from reality – fantasy especially does not have to reflect the truth, however, this is not an excuse for normalizing harmful and toxic behavior.


The fantasy genre often features elements of – and therefore overlaps with – romance. And while there are some absolute heartwarming, beautiful gems I have found through the internet, the sunken standards for some of the books that make it onto ‘must read’ lists from Goodreads to book blogs continue to shock me.  The romance genre has turned out to be a particular kind of minefield. Books with raving 4.5 star reviews and tens of thousands of votes for best books of their genre turn out to be some of the most backward, misogynistic, two-dimensional novels I’ve ever read! It is one of these reviews of a book that I was absolutely baffled by, that I came across the term “alphahole”. Yes, you read that right. One word that perfectly demonstrates what festers within the genre. An ‘alphahole’ (alpha-asshole) seems to be a term applied to male characters that are beloved fan favorites for being abusive, manipulative, sadistic characters. Why you may ask? Because they are also devastatingly attractive! How could anyone resist? Of course, their broody nature is explained away by a vaguely sad past… A history of trauma does not validate cruelty! And this should not be celebrated and romanticized! This also applies to the numerous depressing instances I’ve read about a male character sexually assault the love interest but it is skewed as sensual and alluring. This is all underpinned by the ridiculous idea that it doesn’t count as assault because both characters are attractive, and of course, they were always ‘meant to be’.


What pains me the most is that the majority of these authors are women! Why are so many female authors normalizing women being in abusive, toxic relationships? Even in ‘healthy’ relationships, a trope I have seen encapsulate almost every fantasy novel/series is the pattern of emphatically strong, feisty, capable, and independent female characters falling in love with the man that is strong enough to make her feel soft and feminine in comparison, the one that makes them want to be ‘dominated’.


Why does femininity have to be inherently tied to weakness?


They play it off as an equal partnership because her personality makes up for the physical strength and authority she lacks in comparison to her love interest, but there is consistently at least one of these inequalities. Yes, fiction can be an escape; a world where anything can happen – but that doesn’t change the fact that literature still has a very real effect on its readers. Are these really the types of ideas we want to be perpetuating?


It baffles me that in a genre where your entire purpose is to break boundaries and challenge truths, these outdated gender roles is what female writers choose to keep. Sure, vampires and werewolves exist and are running an underground supernatural black market, but god forbid my female character be too intimidating and scare off all the men!


So, I get what’s going through their minds when people hear ‘fantasy’ or ‘romance’ and fail to suppress a cringe – a lot of the most popular representations of the genres are indeed incredibly cringe-worthy; but the touching books I have read within the genres that I continue to cherish give me hope that for every 10 terrible ones, I’ll find one amazing story that will make the search worth it. I think we’ve probably all read a book that displays what its genre should and could be, but I guess until things change it’s up to us to keep sifting for gold.



Thanks for making it through my rant! This is purely based off of my own experience with literature genres and I would love to hear some of your own stances that might change my mind or validate my frustrations and please include any good book recommendations if you have them!