There have been many proposed solutions to end systemic racism, reparations for slavery being one. Reparations are a terrible idea. Systemic racism is a problem that’s deeply embedded in the system, something that doesn’t go away with a check. Systemic racism is like a wound. It won’t go away by simply rubbing it with alcohol and putting a Band-Aid on it, it takes time to heal. Take the stimulus checks given to Americans as a way to increase consumer spending. A similar situation, a stimulus of US$1,200 given to nearly every American in order to help alleviate the havoc wreaked on the economy by the pandemic. The stimulus check did little, if anything, to help the economy. As said by Suzy Taherian of Forbes, “Much of the stimulus checks had zero impact on the economy.”. A reparation paid to the descendants of slaves would have a similar effect (or lack thereof). Giving a check to those affected by systemic racism won’t help the problem, at least not by much. Racism takes time to decompose, society doesn’t change quickly. It will exist in the alienated nooks and crannies of society for many decades to come and likely will never fully leave us. However, we can work towards ending inequality and fight for the freedom of all men and women, no matter the ethnicity. There have been many solutions proposed to fixing systemic racism, many of which are good ideas. Changing the prison system from punishment to reform or instead of spending money on riot gear, spending it on rehabilitation therapy. Drug reform is also a great way to address the racial inequality, getting the kids off crack and onto something perhaps a little less life threatening and home wrecking. Another fantastic way to help end it is making voting easier in marginalised communities. Many of these communities are underrepresented within the political system, allowing for excessive force to be used without significant political resistance. There are numerous ways to help end systemic racism. Reparations are not an effective solution.
