Perry’s research she sought to understand how and why German’s created  the “Indianer” idealising Native Indians to have some European traits thus depicting a distorted image of Native Indians people and culture- cultural appropriation. Most of her research in regards to German evidence was from popular, “literature, film and culture” dating back to early 18th and 19th centuries. Likewise to show Native Indian’s  counter- reactions she used films and contemporary performances of Native Indians. Since these forms of evidence pervades society and is easily accessible to the public it is inferred that ALL Germans had that certain “noble savage”and “Indianer” image of the Native American. So research that could be missing is evidence of Germans who weren’t brainwashed by Germany’s popular culture that distorted images of Native Indians. Furthermore her evidence is still reliable as her analysis from it supports her main point that Germans misrepresented Native Americans.  She did explain to us why her research matters however by doing this it creates a very “us vs. them” dichotomy in which one can assume that ALL Germans see Native Americans in this way even though is not directly said. Throughout history especially through colonization it has taught us that the “white man” will always feel superior to other cultures. So is it wrong to make that assumption or am I just a fool that has too much hope in humanity? For audiences that may not have been initially interested in this research it would be eye opening to realise how easily a dominant culture can misrepresent a whole minority culture and get away with it. I also think particularly for white people reading her research it would address privilege and be eye opening to see the struggle of indigenous peoples for reappropriation.