Category: ARTSCHOL 200 2020

Co-Create! Don’t Hate!

Anthropology is fascinating. I love the way it makes the familiar strange and the strange familiar. However, whilst studying it I have often thought about the ethical nature of producing research on a culture that is not your...

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The Fine Line

There is a fine line researchers walk when it comes to bonds with participants, one that I had never really thought too much about until the session with Tracey McIntosh, Nicole Perry, Carisa Showden and Jemaima Tiatia-Seath....

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Lost in between.

The research panel discussed the way power sits with those producing academic literature. The production of knowledge historically, and often still today, favours an established western system while side-lining or silencing...

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Researchers that serve

In reflecting on this seminar, I was drawn to the ideas of Dr Tiatia-Seath as researchers being leaders who serve. This idea was illustrated by a Samoan proverb she shared with us ‘to be a leader one must serve.’ Although the...

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