Arts Scholars

Koi te hinengaro, koi te arero, koi te mahi!
Sharp of mind, tongue, and work!

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Empathy for Debate and Positionality

When we engage in debate, it is important to acknowledge that our emotional responses come from our experiences and our origins. This reveals the need for empathy in understanding our differences not as an objective truth which only one has discovered but as co-existent interpretations that deserve understanding and compromise if we are ever to diverge from the hostility that seems to be the focus of much modern political discourse.

The Remains Of The Day As Context For World War Two

I recently watched the film The Remains Of The Day. Although  my love for Hugh Grant served as my motivation to do so . It struck me as a possible film within which to explore our theme, conflict in context.  The Remains Of The Day follows Stevens, a  devout Butler in...

“Hey Siri – Define Beauty”

Has the definition of beauty changed due to new technologies and resources? During early modern Europe, “Recipe books” were used as a step by step guide to reach beauty ideals. Dr Erin Griffey sourced over 400 recipes that focused on complexion alone. The extensive...

Putting Personality in a Paper

When people ask me “what are your plans after graduating?” I always used to tell them I’d never go into academia, that was far too scary: all that analysis, drawing on huge theories of knowledge with ancient traditions – there’s too much pressure. But after hearing...

Quentin Tarantino: The Art v Artist Conundrum

When I was 16, my dad introduced me to Tarantino’s Kill Bill. It felt revolutionary.    From then on, I was hooked on Tarantino films, both as father-daughter bonding and because they fueled my love of film.   But, like all good things, my love for...

“This is me, Eliza Thornberry, part of your average family.”

Weirdly enough my favourite show as a kid was ‘The Wild Thornberrys’ and I would be lying if I said it didn’t change my life. It aired from 1998 to 2004 on Nickelodeon and the movie came out in 2002.  If you haven’t had the wonderful experience of watching ‘The Wild...

What does good research and epic cake fails have in common?

Oh the glorious cake fail. Without you, google images would not be so nearly as enticing for the would-be procrastinator to make bad life choices. You are part hilarious, part instructive and part dream-destroying. But most of all, you stand testament to the harsh...

*women* and my positionality on feminism

Being a women (as I’m sure we can all agree) is hard enough as it is. Now, with growing globalisation and ‘modernity’, we get to grapple with the conflicts of living our lives and other women living theirs. Of course, there is no one way to live life but trying to...

Sex through the ages – considering orientation and Orientalism

Dr Patrick Thomsen’s examination of sexual identity in the context of Saïd’s Orientalism led me to consider how while the East-West dynamic certainly penetrates sexual discourse*, we should also consider how perceptions of sexuality change over time. The covert...

An Ever Changing Song: An Anthem!

ANTHEMS OF CHANGE   What’s in an anthem? If you plugged the word ‘anthem’ into Google, you would perhaps one of the driest definitions I’ve seen yet: “A rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause”. Coming first from religious...

Auckland Domain

I am interested in the Auckland Domain for several reasons. Personally, it is a place which holds many dear memories for me: Befriending the swans at the pond, visiting the memorial, the museum, Wintergarden, or just going out for drinks at Wintergarden’s Café. Before...

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The Wicked Witch of the West

The Wicked Witch of the West

After Jeremy Armstrong’s lecture, something that stuck with me was his initial description of Eastern vs. Western war during his recorded lecture. From what I understand, this initial 10 minutes of his talk was a presentation of the ‘stereotypes’ that these terms...

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Art’s Appeal to Humanity

Humans, as a species, are a peculiar one at that. A species overly aware of their own mortality and place in the universe, consequently bent upon obsessive overthinking, and because of this we’ve found ways to fabricate our own reality in a harsh world. We’re...

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When does the war actually end?

When does the war actually end?

  It is easy to think of war as a past tense. While we aren’t exposed first hand to current situations like war in Afghanistan, we can recognize this horror across media and news updates. Then we can turn the tv off and look away. We don’t need to look any...

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